"The Dark Knight Rises, starring Christian Bale, Anne Hatheway, Tom Hardy and Morgan Freeman. In the previous film of this trilogy, Batman was accused of murdering Harvey Dent aka TwoFace and chooses to leave. Batman returns 8 years later when Bane threatens the city. Not only does Batman return but Catwoman is not far behind. What I really like about this movie are the fight scenes, the characters did an amazing job and I like how this actually completes the trilogy. I don't want to give everything away, you have to go see it. What I didn't like about this film, is that its the end of it. This trilogy was AWESOME and I hate to see this Batman leave, but all good things must come to an end. The Dark Knight Rises, I give it two thumbs up. You have to go watch it you will not regret it. Its worth your time and your money. IN THEATERS NOW!"
Thursday, September 13, 2012
The Dark Knight Rises Movie Review
"The Dark Knight Rises, starring Christian Bale, Anne Hatheway, Tom Hardy and Morgan Freeman. In the previous film of this trilogy, Batman was accused of murdering Harvey Dent aka TwoFace and chooses to leave. Batman returns 8 years later when Bane threatens the city. Not only does Batman return but Catwoman is not far behind. What I really like about this movie are the fight scenes, the characters did an amazing job and I like how this actually completes the trilogy. I don't want to give everything away, you have to go see it. What I didn't like about this film, is that its the end of it. This trilogy was AWESOME and I hate to see this Batman leave, but all good things must come to an end. The Dark Knight Rises, I give it two thumbs up. You have to go watch it you will not regret it. Its worth your time and your money. IN THEATERS NOW!"
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